

  • Oral conference speaker in 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2024)[Link]
    Lisbon, Portugal, June 2-7 2024.
    Title: Stabilized mixed formulation for an implicit Material Point Method for viscoplastic fluids.
    L. Moreno, A.Contri, A. Larese.

  • Invited plenary conference speaker in Congreso de estudiantes de física Universidad de La Laguna (COEFIS XVI) [Link], [Libreto]
    La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 12-14 April 2024.
    Title: How to simulate water hazard events. [Youtube]
    L. Moreno

  • Oral conference speaker in FE im Schnee.
    Kleinwalsertal, Germany, 17-20th, March 2024
    Title: A stabilized mixed formulation for simulating incompressible materials in natural water hazards events using the Material Point Method.
    L. Moreno, N. Crescencio, V. Singer, A. Larese and R. Wüchner

  • Oral conference speaker in Norddeutsches Mechanikkolloquium & Gründungskolloquium, Institut für Akustik und Dynamik.
    Braunschweig, Germany, 10 February, 2024.
    Title: A stabilized mixed formulation for incompressible materials in the Material Point Method for simulating gravitational natural hazards.
    L. Moreno, N. Crescencio, V. Singer, A. Larese and R. Wüchner


  • Oral conference speaker in VIII Inernational Conference in Particle Mechanics (Particles 2023) [Link]
    Milan, Italy, Octuber 9 - 11, 2023.
    Title: Stabilized mixed formulation for incompressible materials by using VMS in a Material Point Method framework.
    L. Moreno, A. Larese and R. Wüchner.

  • Oral conference speaker in 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023) [Link]
    Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, August 19 - 25, 2023.
    Title: Numerical modelling of viscoelastic flows with high elasticity.
    L. Moreno, J. Baiges and R. Codina.

  • Oral conference speaker in SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS23) [Link]
    Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Bergen, Norway, June 19 - 22, 2023.
    Title: Simulation of Coupled Multiphysics Problems in Large Deformation Regime.
    L. Moreno, V.Singer, N. Crescenzio, A. Boerst and A. Larese.


  • Oral conference speaker in Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering (CMN 2022)[Link]
    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 12th – 15th 2022.
    Title: A VMS-Stabilized Mixed Formulation for Non-Linear Incompressible solid mechanics problems Using the Implicit Material Point Method.
    [Abstract] and [Slides]
    L. Moreno, A. Contri, A. Larese.

  • Oral conference speaker in 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2022) [Link]
    Oslo, Norway, June 5th - 9th 2022.
    Title: Stabilized mixed formulation for an implicit MPM for viscoplastic fluids by using a variational subgrid-scale framework.
    L. Moreno, A.Contri, A. Larese.


  • Oral conference speaker in XLII Ibero-Latin-American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE-2021). [Link]
    Virtual Congress, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, November 9th-12th 2021.
    Title: Computation of transient flow problems approximated by a VMS stabilized Finite Element formulation using time-dependent subgrid-scales for monolithic and fractional step schemes.
    [Abstract] and [Slides]
    L. Moreno, J. Baiges, R. Codina.

  • Poster presentation and short oral talk in 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2020+1). [Link]
    Virtual Congress, Milano, Italy, August 22-27 2021.
    Title: Simulation of transient viscoelastic flow problems approximated by a VMS stabilized FE formulation using time-dependent subrid-scales.
    [Abstract], [Slides] and [Poster]
    L. Moreno, J. Baiges, R. Codina.

  • Oral conference speaker in IX International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2021) [Link]
    Virtual Congress, Chia Laguna, Sardinia, Italy, 13-16 June 2021.
    Title: Thermal coupling simulations with a viscoelastic fluid flow.
    [Abstract] and [Slides]
    L. Moreno, R. Codina, J. Baiges.

  • Oral conference speaker in 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2020). [Link]
    Virtual Congress,Paris, France, 11-15 January 2021.
    Title: Solution of transient viscoelastic flow problems approximated by a VMS stabilized finite element formulation using time-dependent subrid-scales.
    L. Moreno, J. Baiges, R. Codina.


  • Oral presentation in a CIMNE Coffee Talk [Link]
    Barcelona, Spain, December 11th, 2019.
    Title: Simulating viscoelastic fluid flows with high Weissenberg number. [Slides]

  • Oral conference speaker in the VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2019) [Link]
    Sitges, Spain. June 3-6 2019
    Title: Simulation of non-isothermal viscoelastic fluid flow problem using a VMS stabilized Formulation.
    [Abstract] and [Slides]
    L. Moreno, J. Baiges, R. Codina.

  • Oral presentation in Lecture Series: Women researchers at CIMNE for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science [Link]
    Barcelona, Spain, February 11th, 2019.
    Title: Heat transfer processes using viscoelastic fluids in laminar and turbulence regimes. [Slides]